Neurological Diagnostics

Special Testing

Special Testing is a two-hour appointment and it involves four different neurological tests: TEOAE, ABR, ECOG and VNG.

Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions (TEOAE)

Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions (TEOAE) reflects a combination of inner ear and external/middle ear function. Otoacoustic emissions are measured by presenting a series of sounds to the ear through a probe that is inserted in the ear canal. The probe contains a loudspeaker that generates the sounds and a microphone that measures the function of outer hair cells in the cochlea. The otoacoustic emissions produced in the cochlea are picked up by the microphone and analyzed through our equipment.

Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)

Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) test gives information from middle/inner ear to auditory pathways towards the brain. For this test, electrodes will be placed upon your forehead and in your ear canals. A series of clicking sounds will be presented in each ear while information is obtained by our equipment. The ABR is recording neural activity in response to sound. During this testing, it is important to remain relaxed and keep your eyes closed.

Electrocochleography (ECOG)

Electrocochleography (ECOG) is a test that records electrical potentials generated from the cochlea to the eighth cranial nerve. This test is used to measure the condition of inner ear pressure, which gives information to rule out many inner ear disorders such as meniere’s disease, endolymphatic hydrops, perilymph fistula, superior canal dehiscence, and etc.

Videonystagmography (VNG/ENG)

Videonystagmography (VNG/ENG) is a comprehensive vestibular assessment which includes smooth pursuit, saccade, optokinetics, spontaneous, dix-hallpike, positionals and calorics. The VNG is used to determine the causes of dizziness or balance disorders. Also, this test gives information about the inner ear (mainly balance) and central motor functions. For this test, you will be asked to wear a pair of goggles that will monitor your eye movements and follow a light with your eyes while keeping your head still. Second, your dizziness will be evaluated in different body positions. Finally the audiologist will irrigate your ear canals with air slightly warmer and cooler than your body temperature. You may experience a brief dizziness from the irrigation. This is a normal reaction that will go away within a few minutes.

Facial Nerve Test (ENOG)

Electroneuronography (ENOG) is a test that examines the integrity of the facial nerve. This test consists of a brief electrical stimulation of the nerve on the skin while recording the motoric response near the nasio-labial fold. ENOG compares the neurophysiologic response of the normal side to the abnormal side.

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